March BluePearl award winners

...for making a difference

Your beautiful writing - walk through motherhood, home-schooling and the daily happenings of your life composed in eloquent funky postings impresses me. You are not only a creative writer but also an inspiration. 
On your blogs, these words "
Oh writer! An Angel watches over all you write. Make your writing meaningful for it will eventually return to you and you will be questioned about what you wrote.-Ali ibn Abu Talib (RA)"  amazing words by the way, which you live up to in every single post. I check your blog every day because there is so much of positive energy, appreciative thanks to our Creator and soul food that it makes me want to come back to steal some of that greatness.
You raise awareness in your posts, you've written a book, "7 things to talk about" which I took the time to review (online) and even though I am not big on books I do concede to great writing and salute any person who makes efforts to culture islamic values. You're an amazing woman, I am pleased to congratulate you, my proudly south african sister. 
You take time to read others posts, making valuable contributions to the topics in play. Your opinions even in your very own posts enthuse me making me want to challenge you (in a nice way) because I love a good debate.  And a good debater with well grounded knowledge is what you are. I do so love your positivity, tenacity and maturity. Keep up the great work:)