...let's have a mad hatter's tea party!
Aristotle once said that "“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”
The famous board game, RISK just became a reality in the Mediterranean - since this morning the U.S. naval forces participated in a Tomahawks missile strike on Libya as part of Operation Odyssey Dawn designed to set the conditions for a coalition no-fly zone. We became blind in our own backyard and as the game mode starts there are a lot of bobbling questions in my head and a highly concerted nay on the Libyan leaders excellence.
But enough of that, its been a while since we've had time to catch up so come over, take a seat, relax, clear your mind but please be as mad as you wish and tell me:
(1) Do you like board games and video games? If yes, share a few of best loves.
(2) Tell me something about you, that I don't already know?
(3) Do you have a wallpaper on your phone - if yes, what is it?
(4) Do you like horrors and thrillers?
(5) What's your all time favourite movie?
(6) What's your favourite cake/desert?
(7) What's your favourite animated character?
Today I can only think of being crazy, laughing with my Cheshire cat and you over silly nothings because the world has become too crazy for me!
The famous board game, RISK just became a reality in the Mediterranean - since this morning the U.S. naval forces participated in a Tomahawks missile strike on Libya as part of Operation Odyssey Dawn designed to set the conditions for a coalition no-fly zone. We became blind in our own backyard and as the game mode starts there are a lot of bobbling questions in my head and a highly concerted nay on the Libyan leaders excellence.
But enough of that, its been a while since we've had time to catch up so come over, take a seat, relax, clear your mind but please be as mad as you wish and tell me:
(1) Do you like board games and video games? If yes, share a few of best loves.
(2) Tell me something about you, that I don't already know?
(3) Do you have a wallpaper on your phone - if yes, what is it?
(4) Do you like horrors and thrillers?
(5) What's your all time favourite movie?
(6) What's your favourite cake/desert?
(7) What's your favourite animated character?
Today I can only think of being crazy, laughing with my Cheshire cat and you over silly nothings because the world has become too crazy for me!
(see my answers in the comment box)